MCCWSN is a dedicated platform with elaborate facility to provide comprehensive care for different types of childhood disabilities. The rehabilitation services include entire range of functional therapies like Physiotherapy, Speech Language therapy, Occupational therapy, Psycho therapy, Special Education etc; Various recreational therapies available at the centre using Art, Craft, Dance, music, participatory Play, Yoga, Hydrotherapy, horticulture therapy etc. Need based therapeutic intervention, in appropriate doses, is provided to build up the functional skills to age appropriate level. Hundreds of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual disability, Learning Disability, Down's syndrome, congenital Deafness or birth defects that cause disability visit the centre daily. Unmatched personal care is provided to children to develop age appropriate functional skills, drop the features of disability to join the mainstream school. Hence the tagline is "Nonverbal to Normal schools"
The Model Center has problem specific clinics to deliver multi modal therapy ideally required for the disorder. Hence it has Autism clinic where professionals work together for Autism treatment. Functional therapies, Biomedical intervention, Recreational therapies are blended together for a relief from Autism. Cerebral Palsy clinic augments the functions with Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Language therapy, prosthetic/ Orthotic aids and appliances and much more. Inadequate Speech Language development, emotional problems, behavioural disorders, cognitive disfunction, learning disorders, organic malformations etc are handled by professional team for comprehensive care
Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Audio logical rehabilitation, Behavior modifications, Special education, Sensory integration, Dietary intervention, detoxification, range of recreational therapies like Art and craft therapy, play therapy, horticulture therapy, music therapy and traditional intervention like Yogic rehabilitation are available here.
Model Center for Children with Special Needs was established by IHS in 2001 for providing professional services to children affected by the birth defects, Developmental disorders, intellectual disability and multiple disabilities. custodial care available at most of the schools for the special children only provide custodial care. It makes the condition no better. MCCWSN handles cases with Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Intellectual disability, Cerebral Palsy, Seizure disorders, Hearing impairment, Specific Language disability language delay, Behavioral Disorders and such other issues that require professional management.
How It All StartedModel Centre for Children with Special Needs started with the aim and the necessity of providing all kinds of quality therapeutics under one roof in Odisha. Such an institution is unparalleled and required attention from the government and the people itself. Margdarsi is bringing out this change of integrating education therapy and cure for the first time in the state and unlike any other in the country.
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