The hearing impairment affects 10% of the general population. Every second senior citizen is suffering from hearing loss. Whether birth defects, injury, infection or whatever is the cause, hearing impairment needs to be dealt with sophisticated Audiological diagnostics. Margdarsi makes specially dedicated facility for Hearing loss assessment, diagnosis and complete rehabilitation.
After hearing loss is assessed and diagnosed as medically irreversible, the client is advised for Audiological Rehabilitation. Suitable hearing aids are made available to the client as per the needs. Optimal benefits are possible when hearing loss is compensated through digital programming of hearing aid. The coupling devices that connect the hearing aids with the ear.
Hearing Rehab also deals with those who have very severe or profound degree of damages to their hearing organ. Normally, such people receive ALDs and training in speech reading. Those who can be helped with an Implantable Hearing Device go for surgery. After surgery, the client comes back for Audiological Rehabilitation and auditory verbal therapy. Margdarsi provides intensive therapeutic services for development of communication skills using Oral- Aural approach.
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