Promoting the girl child education and integrating common classes between the special children and the normal, thereby creating a raft of humbleness and acceptance.
Pramila sabar Pricipal, Aditi integrated school is In charge of building the social skills of the children with special need through integration in play activities or other learning activities. The children are prepared to fit into the mainstream schools with developed skills of peer interaction and competitive spirit in games and learning skills.
It is a pre-school running with patronage from the benevolent public. The primary objective of ADITI is to help the socio-economically disadvantaged girl children to gain education with dignity.
The small group of children mixes with special children during school hours. The normal girls acquire self confidence in their ability to help a special child acquire certain behavior, academic or communication skills.
Margdarsi being a non-profit org. provides therapy at a minimum user charges of about Rs. 50 - Rs.75 per session of different therapies lasting 30 minutes.